Previous Class: Alchemical Process of the Zodiac


– learn about the 12 signs of the zodiac and the alchemical processes associated with the signs

– discover the angel that is associated with each zodiac sign

– discuss how each zodiac sign Impacts brain wave activity

– experience using the energy from the plant associated with zodiac sign

– learn the Greek deity and Archangel associated with each sign

– learn the stones that are associated with the twelve angels of the zodiac

– use essential oils to work each of the zodiac signs for spiritual development

– discover how to work the zodiac signs for prosperity and achieving goals

– purify internal blockages to becoming more prosperous

– learn ways to bring deeper levels of inner stillness and peace

– use essential oils to increase your conductivity to the higher soul and the guidance that the soul offers

– use essential oils for protection from negative people and negative situations

– learn the different types of psychic attacks and how to neutralize them

– purify the negative thought forms

– use essential oils to address self- sabotaging tendencies

– use aromatherapy techniques to harmonize with your environment

– learn how to use essential oils to better align with your soul’s destiny

– receive essential oil recipes to increase conductivity for more than a dozen angelic beings

– learn ways to bring deeper levels of peace with essential oils

– discover essential oil techniques for detaching from unwanted situations

– experience a meditation with essential oils


Unique Zodiac Kit:


Holy Basil



Palma Rosa



Peru Balsam


Cape May

Previous Classes

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