The Benefits of Inula:
- May 8, 2023
- Posted by: Plant Prana Calendar
- Category: Properties of Oils
SKIN: dermatitis, Eczema, psoriasis, skin congestion (inability to sweat and detoxify)
DIGESTIVE: General digestive issues due to tension in the gut and diaphragm, cystic fibrosis, mucus related conditions (especially chronic impacted mucus)
RESPIRATORY: deepens the breath, Strongest mucolytic in medical aromatherapy (breaking down and thinning mucus), laryngitis, coughs, whooping cough, spasmodic coughs, coughs that are unproductive, bronchitis, anti inflammatory, antispasmodic, asthma, sinus issues, relaxes diaphragm, COPD, cystic fibrosis, elimination of smoke and other environmental contaminants
CIRCULATORY: cardiac fatigue, cardiac stress, Tachycardia, heart regulator, arrhythmia, tonic, palpitations, high blood pressure
URINARY: weak and insufficient kidney function, cystitis, vaginitis
MUSCULAR: releases fascia and fascial lesions, tension in diaphragm, stitch in the side due to strained breathing
ENDOCRINE: overactive adrenals, hyper reactive adrenals
NERVOUS: helps to regulate the “fight or flight” response, diminishes the effects of trauma on the nervous system, calms over excited cerebrospinal fluid circulation
PSYCHOLOGICAL: sense of well being, diminishes tendency to absorb negative emotions from others, diminishes tendency for dissociation
ENERGETIC: Strengthens the heart, facilitates greater levels of transmutation, activates the basic chakra, grounding
SPIRITUAL: helps to balance higher and lower nature, increases activation of the heart seed, helps to break patterns in one’s life