Sentinel 5ml


Ingredients:  Sandalwood, Basil, Kashmir Lavender, Anise, Lime Kaffir, Kava Kava, Dark Amber Clary Sage

  • Firms up emotional body to make it less reactive to negative stimuli
  • Diminish the effects of negativity being projected at you
  • Relaxing and fortifying to the central nervous system
  • Regenerating to the autonomic nervous system
  • Soothes disruptions in the homeostasis mechanisms facilitating greater levels of balance
  • Has an impact on cognitive processing
  • Helps cultivate inner strength
  • Has a grounding effect which can be helpful when challenges arise
  • Allows the mind to calm due to its protective qualities
  • Best used neat (applied to wrists), as a spray, or a salt bath
  • Great applied to the Ajna

Check out about Sentinel on our blog: The Benefits of Sentinel – Plant Prana Essential Oils (

We bottle our oils to order.


Plant Prana Essential Oil Blends are unique combinations of two or more single oils. These blends have unique energetic purposes beyond the direct combination of the single oils. Depending on the purpose and method of application of the blend, it is sometimes possible to substitute an individual oil for a blend. Also know that the single oils cannot always be used as a replacement for a blend.
