Incense; Holy Basil, Therapeutic


Benefits of Basil:

SKIN: Insect bites and repellant.

RESPIRATORY: Sinusitis, coughs, ear ache, bronchitis, paradoxical breathing, shortness of breath.

DIGESTIVE: Flatulence, digestive aid, painful or difficult digestion.

GENITO-URINARY: Cramps, difficult periods.

MUSCULAR: Spasms, rheumatism, aches and pains, effects of gout, myo-fasciitis.

NERVOUS: Fatigue, anxiety, depression, nervous tension, migraine, insomnia, fuzzy head, mental fatigue. Basil is a great nerve tonic and restorative to the entire nervous system.

ENERGETIC: Cleansing (physically, emotionally and mentally). Restorative to the mind, helps to diminish mental conditioning.

PSYCHOLOGICAL: Stress, mental stimulant

SPIRITUAL: Helps to unwind the conditioning of the past so one can be more present

We bottle our oils to order.


Plant Prana Therapeutic incenses are made with genuine essential oils. A large amount of essential oil is used to make the therapeutic incense to increase the therapeutic benefit.
