Astara Practice Session

These are not Plant Prana Oil specific practices.

As president of Astara, Greg offers multiple esoteric practices every week.

Sunday Session, Tuesday Blessing the Astara Prayer Petitions, Wednesday Healing + Blessings, and Wednesday Mystic Vibration Session.

12p-12:20p Central

Sunday Session is for all who wish to join the community of Astara and practice together.

Based on the Astara Teachings and Book of LIfe Degree Lessons, a sense of community and worship is celebrated at this weekly complimentary Zoom mtg.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 823 4459 4145

One tap mobile

+16699009128,,82344594145# US (San Jose)

8:15p-8:30p Central

Blessing the Astara Prayer Petitions
Open to all.
Join the Astara Ministers as they bless the weekly prayer petitions with the Pure white Light.

Join Zoom Meeting  

Meeting ID: 844 3988 9438

6p-6:30p Central Time

Astara Healing & Blessings
This is an Astara practice session. Join us for healing, blessings, and meditation.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 884 4478 2341

6:30p-7p Central Time

Astara Mystic Vibration
Raise your vibration by learning how to use the tools of ceremony and ritual, mantra, breathing, dorjes, bells, crystals and more.

Join Zoom Meeting  

Meeting ID: 897 0646 8413