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Free Class: The Divine Self

August 25 @ 10:00 am 6:00 pm CDT

The Divine Self

Aug 25 10a-6p Central

Free and Open to All

Divine Self: Your Vibration

Vibration refers to the frequency at which energy oscillates. In spiritual and metaphysical contexts, everything in the universe is believed to be in a state of constant vibration, from the smallest particles to the largest celestial bodies. The idea is that different frequencies of vibration correspond to different states of being, emotions, thoughts, and levels of consciousness.

This class will be utilizing essential oils to address:

Vibrational Frequency: Everything in the universe, including thoughts, emotions, and physical matter, is composed of energy vibrating at different frequencies. Higher vibrations are associated with positive emotions, such as love and compassion, while lower vibrations are linked to negative emotions, such as fear and anger.

Resonance: Resonance occurs when the vibration of one object or energy field influences the vibration of another. In a spiritual context, like attracts like—high vibrations attract similar high vibrations, while low vibrations attract low vibrations.

Harmonics: Vibrations can create harmonics, where a single frequency generates additional, related frequencies. This concept is often used in spiritual practices, such as chanting or sound healing, where specific sounds or mantras are believed to elevate the practitioner’s vibration.

Chakras: In many spiritual traditions, particularly in Hinduism and Buddhism, chakras are energy centers within the body that correspond to different aspects of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Each chakra is believed to vibrate at a different frequency, and maintaining balanced, high vibrations in these chakras is considered essential for overall health and spiritual growth.

Meridians and Nadis: In traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda, energy channels known as meridians or nadis carry life force (Qi or Prana) throughout the body. The flow of energy along these channels is believed to affect the body’s vibrational state.

Vibrational Impact: Thoughts and emotions are also considered to have vibrational frequencies. Positive thoughts and emotions, such as gratitude, joy, and love, are associated with higher vibrations, while negative thoughts and emotions, like anger, fear, and sadness, resonate at lower frequencies.

Law of Attraction: The principle that “like attracts like” is based on the idea that your vibrational frequency determines what you attract into your life. By raising your vibration through positive thoughts, emotions, and actions, you align yourself with the experiences and outcomes you desire.

Vibrational Healing: Practices such as energy healing, sound healing, and crystal therapy are based on the concept of adjusting the body’s vibration to promote healing and balance. These practices aim to raise the vibrational frequency of the individual to align with optimal health and harmony.

Mind-Body Connection: Maintaining high vibrations through positive thinking, meditation, and healthy living is believed to support the mind-body connection, leading to improved physical, emotional, and mental health.

Ascension and Enlightenment: Spiritual growth is often described as a process of raising one’s vibration. As individuals raise their vibration, they are believed to move closer to states of ascension, enlightenment, or divine consciousness.

Meditation and Mindfulness: Practices like meditation, mindfulness, and yoga are used to raise one’s vibration, connecting the practitioner with higher states of awareness and deeper spiritual insight.

Higher Consciousness: Higher vibrations are associated with a closer connection to the divine or higher consciousness. By elevating their vibration, individuals can access deeper spiritual truths, intuitive insights, and a stronger sense of unity with the universe.

Manifestation: In metaphysical teachings, aligning your vibration with your desires is a key aspect of manifestation. By vibrating at the frequency of what you wish to create, you draw it into your reality.

Choose an oil from each line or get the optional kit for purchase to have an easy turn key experience:

Line 1

Single Oils: Spikenard, Valerian, Vetiver

Blends: Vagal Tone, Balance, Frequency

Line 2

Single Oils: Rose, Palma Rosa, Melissa, Neroli, Geranium, Jasmine, Tuberose, Ginger Lily, Angelica, Angelica Seed, Myrrh, Opopanox, Guggul, Gurjun Balsam

Line 3

Single Oils: Cistus, Acacia, Palo Santo, Mastic

Line 4

Single Oils: Galbanum, Frankincense, Myrrh, Myrtle, Red Myrtle

Kit for sale $70 ($91 value)

Frequency 5ml

Gurjun Balsam 5ml

Palo Santo 5ml

Red Myrtle 5ml 

Incense: Frequency

Free – $70 Free and Open to all, Also a Kit Purchase available.