From Greg’s Personal Protocols for a Stressful Day

Sooth, Relax, and Invigorate your Immune system! This is a great way to let go of the stress and agitation of the day. Prolonged periods of stress or agitation can be not only be wearing on the emotions but can cause your immune system to become hyper vigilant. This can make you hyper sensitive and will eventually cause your immune system to not function properly or become depleted. This protocol is a great way to end any stressful day.

  1. Take one to two drops of Lemongrass in a glass of water.
  2. Take 10-15 long slow deep breaths with Sage, in through the nose, out through the mouth.
  3. Take a salt bath with one pound of salt and 10-15 drops of Mugwort or Artemisia for 10-15 minutes
  4. Take 10-15 long slow deep breaths with Basil, in through the nose, out through the mouth.
  5. Lay down and enjoy!

From the Plant Prana Newsletter January 4, 2021.