Previous Class: Mastering the Elements

  • Receive an aromatherapy gift kit
  • Cultivate what Buddhists refer to as Happiness and what St.Francis called Joy
  • Convert Divine Light to Divine Love
  • Practice stabilize techniques when life gets chaotic
  • Stop materializing negative patterns
  • Enhance ability to expand consciousness to heal and deepen your meditation
  • Practice a quick technique to quickly shift into an intuitive state
  • Increase the vitality of your body
  • Recondition old conditioning
  • Diminish that burned out feeling that arises from the difficulties of the world
  • Unburden from past experiences, connections, and entanglements
  • Find meaning, direction, and purpose in life
  • Increase your ability to learn Karmic lessons and abilities diminishing suffering
  • Develop the chakras in ways that is very different than new age approaches
  • Increase your potential to experience higher states through easy but powerful steps
  • Address the things you attract in your life and how to improve their potentials
  • Look at the elements from a different perspective
  • Refine your energy body to accelerate healing, spiritual growth, and manifesting
  • Increase the potency of any Angel work that you currently practice
  • This class significantly compliments the Foundation of Mystical Healing, Mystical Approach to the Chakras, Generational Healing
  • Plus More

Mastering the Elements Kit:


Rod of Aaron

Cup of Joseph

Sword of David

Shekel of Gold

Sacred Revelations






Health Rays

Frankincense Vital


Previous Classes

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