The Medulla Oblongata and the Vagus Nerve: The Generation of Nerve Fluid
- Learn about the assemblage point and why it matters to you
- Generate more light in the nervous system refining your ability to perceive
- Examine how behaviors are generated and discover your ability to consciously refine them
- Develop aspects of the third eye
- Enhance the receiving mechanism from the Supra consciousness
- Experience a stronger sense of presence while increasing greater vitality
- Learn about the soul note and cultivate hearing your personal inner sound
- Shift the “fight or flight” system from lower nature drives to control of the higher faculties
- Refine the cerebrospinal fluid circulation mechanisms and how they work with “fight or flight”
- Increase tone and function of the vagus nerve
- Further enhance the energetic pathways of the Vagus Nerve
- Do practices that help to illuminate the mind
- Tap into information associated with your destiny through awareness on the heart permanent seed
- Increase the potential for the mystical breath also known as the “inner breath”
- Open the pathway of the “Holy Fire” in the spine
- Harmonize and harness the aspects of “Unity” and “Synthesis” associated with realizing the self
- Increase life force and feeling safe
- Diminish the tendency to generate stress in the body
- Gently disconnect from traumatic events and the feelings associated with it
- Deepen “Active Clairvoyance” and your Three Brain Abilities
- Engage a deeper level of energetic protection due to the increase of light in the nervous system
- Accelerate your ability to heal yourself and others as you improve the nerve fluid in your body
- Increase the power of your words and thoughts
- Plus more
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