Previous Class: The Mystics Toolkit: Sacred Secrets of Mystical Healing

The Mystics Toolkit: Sacred Secrets of Mystical Healing
  • receive a gift kit specific to this class
  • Cultivate the abilities of the Mystics of emanating light unconsciously
  • Practice techniques for astral projection
  • Learn why astral projection is a natural way to accelerate healing and your psychological development
  • Accelerate development of intuition and your innate innovative abilities
  • Deepen the spiritual potentials of the chakras in a systematic approach
  • Enhance the protective qualities of the aura for greater expansion of consciousness during healing, spiritual practices, and for healing
  • Diminish the influence of negative astral energies from the inner world
  • Transform the people around you through this practice
  • Generate evolutionary healing energy for situations, relationships, and past experiences
  • Develop a greater ability to generate healing energy
  • Evolve inner abilities
  • Increase the mental faculties of unity and synthesis (qualities of the intellectual and intuitive minds
  • Enhance your ability to generate and experience “ the state of harmony”
  • Strengthen your ability to generate strong thoughts and the creation of ideas
  • Improve your potential for higher creativity
  • Increase your ability and the quality of “Doing Good”
  • Increase your ability to connect and commit to that is of the Light and diminish the energy of gloom
  • Accelerate your ability to generate harmony in external situations
  • Cultivate the potential for progress in your efforts
  • Strengthen life force within your body
  • Increase ability of establishing order internally and externally
  • Increase the flow of physical creativity
  • Deepen your connection to spiritual teachers, saints, great souls, healing ministers, and beings of Light
  • Establish the following patterns in the aura
  • Divine Intelligence
  • Motivation to connect with heavenly states
  • Dynamic thoughts and ideas
  • More organized mind
  • Lucid and clear thoughts and feelings
  • The ability to perceive what the mind cannot
  • Discernment or the ability to compare and choose
  • Reducing the tendency for self judgement
  • Being more sensible
  • Developing a stronger inner sense
  • Recognizing true ideas and true information
  • Strength, vitality, and protection
  • Improve your ability to experience an intuitive state
  • Plus more

Mystic Toolkit: Sacred Secrets of Mystical Healing

Astral Projection



Lemon Verbena










DD 2


Cape Chamomile Spray

The Mystics Toolkit: Sacred Secrets of Mystical Healing Teaser Clip (

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