Originally published in the Plant Prana Newsletter September 7, 2020.
Considered a “cure all.”
Lemon is non-toxic, but may cause skin irritation. It is considered to be “phototoxic,” which means do not use on skin that is exposed to direct sunlight.
SKIN: Brittle nails, warts, spots, chilblains, insect bites, varicose veins, anemia. Revitalizing to the hypodermis, hydrates collagen fibrils, releases superficial fascia.
RESPIRATORY: Mucus, throat infections.
IMMUNE: Fever, colds, flu, infectious diseases.
DIGESTIVE: Painful or difficult digestion, internally used for lymphatic congestion in lower abdomen.
MUSCULAR: Rheumatism, arthritis, may be helpful in the regeneration of damaged skeletal muscle (internally.)
CIRCULATORY: Nosebleeds (internally,) cellulitis, obesity, poor circulation, may be helpful with high blood pressure.
ENERGETIC: Energizing, uplifting, strengthening.
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